"The Lasting Effects of Abuse"
I shared my story at a pair of Violence UnSilenced years ago [click here for original post VU]. My mother WAS Unable to care for me so she left me in the care of my grandparents (her mother andstep-father). Also in the home were my aunt and uncle. AbuseOccurred we BASIS daily at the hands of my Dad (grandpa).Sometimes It Was mentally abused purpose Usually It Was Bothphysical and verbal abuse. Everyone in the Household WAS ToldThat They Were no good and never Would Amount to anything.
In my opinion, my uncle bore the brunt Usually abuse history. Themental cruelty never stopped, Even After we all escaped the home.Papa's words echoed in our heads long Passed Away After ET.
Some of us dealt with (or are dealing with) the shame. Some of usSought (or are seeking behavior) Counseling to Understand That ItWas Not us. It Was His Problem. Others Passed from this lifeRemaining in pain and full of shame.
Five days before Christmas 2011, my uncle hung Himself to escapethe torment of years of history and echoes the father's voice inhistory head. With the Economic Conditions ET HAD to say all ofhistory lost money in the stock market. Because He Was Offereddestitute my aunt to Let Him move back home and live with her. HeTold her father That history HAD ABOUT HIM beens right all along.He Was a loser and never Would Amount to anything. I AmConvinced That history father's cruel words echoed in history ashead tied the rope around ET history neck and Killed himself.
My sincere hope Is That anyone Continued Suffering from shameSeeks immediate counseling. Our family is from Devastated sa situation senseless death. If you know anyone please advise emSuffering to seek counseling Before It is too late.
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